Monday, January 11, 2010

Year 2010 is here

I re-made below videos which include some 2009 clips
只要看看她的最新照片和視頻, 李英愛婚後比以前更美麗。

Her latest CF's in 2010 and 2009, most selection:

Happy Birthday to Lee Young-Ae! 生日快樂 李英愛!
나는 이영애씨를 생일 축하합니다!
Birthday song was sung by Elvis Presley and Beatles.
Happy Lunar New Year! Happy Valentine's Day! Young-Ae!


1月1日,有人看到她在洛杉磯。芝加哥在美國東北部、天寒地凍,有如生活在一個大冰箱內, 當然她在溫暖的洛杉磯,購物, 吃韓國菜館.........只要看看她的最新照片和視頻, 李英愛婚後比以前更美麗。
UNICEF 基金募集活動 2009 fund-raising, lunch at Hanyang University:

Video provided by Taiwan fan a8a68.